
This month I am cheating by reproducing a presentation I made to an educational conference, 今年4月, 论高中学生伦理道德的教学. 但愿上个月的“思考”是有趣的. 但这次的演讲就不一样了:

早上好. My name is Ronnie 斯图尔特 and I started 纽约预科 School in 1969 with my wife and have been Head of School for the 54 years it has served its students in New York City. For most of those years, I have taught Ethics to all members of the Senior Class.

首先,欢迎大家随时提问. 换句话说,如果你有问题,请打断我. 我还应该说, 从一开始, that the teaching of Ethics requires that the school and its community leaders act as examples of moral leadership. 塑造道德行为是对所有学生进行道德教育的一部分.
那么我有什么权利教伦理学呢? 在我开newbb电子平台之前我是伦敦的律师. In England, you study law as an undergraduate, and the BA program at Oxford is three years. 事实上,我在牛津多待了一年,就是为了拿个B.C.L. 然后去了酒吧. 所以我一直是最小的(而现在, 当然是最老的), 22岁时,我为自己的第一起谋杀案辩护(认罪). At 24, I was the junior counsel for Charles Kray in what was to become the longest murder trial in England. 在审判结束时, 查尔斯·克雷, 不像他的双胞胎兄弟, 没有被判犯有谋杀罪吗, 我离开了酒吧, 带了我的假发和礼服来唤起我的回忆, 来到纽约创建了newbb电子平台. 是否对哲学有终身的兴趣, 并有在伦敦老贝利出庭辩护和起诉的经验, 在道德方面的专业知识是值得商榷的. 过了这么久, one thing I do respect is that in Ethics there rarely is one right or wrong answer.
让我告诉你每年我是如何开始上课的. When I was doing my graduate degree, I taught Roman Law at women’s colleges at Oxford. I got to know 菲利帕 Foote, a philosophy Don (you might call professor) at Somerville College. 她写了一篇newbb电子平台直接和间接后果的著名文章, focusing mainly on abortion: Do you kill the baby to save the mother (indirect and unfortunate consequence) or do you kill the baby to kill the baby (a direct and intended consequence). In that article, she also presented a problem that has become famous and much discussed. 她假设一辆电车在刹车失灵时正在下山. 如果它沿着轨道行驶,会造成铁轨上5人死亡. 但, 在那五个人被击中之前, 这里有一条侧壁,如果你, 只有你, 谁碰巧在那儿, 拉动开关,使火车转向一条侧轨, 在那条支线上只有一个人会被杀. 你能拉一下开关吗? 这个问题在9/11之后显得更加重要. 你会把它击落吗?, 就说威彻斯特的一个小镇吧, 一架撞向世贸大厦的客机?  菲利帕, 以及其他跟随她的人, 没有在电车问题上停下来,而是问了第二个问题. 如果电车沿着轨道行驶, and the only opportunity to stop it was to push a fat man with a backpack sitting on a bridge off that bridge in to the oncoming path of the trolley, 你会把他推下去送他去死吗, 结果救了那五个人?
在这里,我们立即看到了直接和间接的后果. 让电车偏离轨道,造成一人死亡, 谁碰巧在那儿, 是不幸的间接后果吗. 你不会想杀了他的. 可能不止一个,但少于五个. 你会这样做吗?? 大多数人都说是的. 这个问题跨越了各种文化. It could be a boulder rolling down a hill; do you divert it to a path with only one person? 你会把一条吃人的鳄鱼引到一条支流上,等等. 但, 而大多数人会按下开关, 少数人会把那个胖子推下桥. 这是一个直接的后果. 你实际上是在杀人. 我可以继续讨论电车学的问题, 但, 不用说, 它促使学生讨论选项和, 在我的鼓励下, 讨论不同情况下你会怎么做? 没有正确答案, 虽然, 有趣的是, we find that the logical part of the brain is triggered with the switch scenario, and the emotional part is triggered at the prospect of pushing the man off the bridge.
There are some objections to the lack of reality in the trolleyology question (and the spelunklogy question too, 如果有人想陷入困境,我可以讨论这个问题), 但它的威胁还不足以阻止讨论. 我觉得它很有活力, and it is important to start any course with an interesting and new concept that all can chime in on. It is a safe problem in that no-one is defensive about the issue because it is such an unlikely scenario.
用电车学的问题, 然后我从哲学的开端说起, 巴门尼德和赫拉克利特, and proceed through the entire 历史 of Western Philosophy (because I do not, 令人遗憾的是, 对非西方哲学有足够的了解). I introduce words that may be new to the students 但 represent part of the vocabulary of philosophy; the dialectic, 假言命令与定言命令, 经验主义和我们能真正知道什么, 以及与唯心主义相对的存在主义意味着什么. 参考电车学, sometimes there is no clue in the philosopher’s writings as to how they would solve the trolley dilemma. 有时, 边沁和功利主义者是最明显的, 有轨电车问题有直接的答案.
我讨论苏格拉底和柏拉图(处理他的洞穴类比)亚里士多德, 怀疑论者, 斯多葛派和唯我论者, 阿奎那和以笛卡尔为首的现代哲学, 然后通过康德和义务论论证, 最后是经验主义者, 如果时间允许的话, 我以马克思作为结尾, 艾茵·兰德, 萨特和约翰·罗尔斯. 但 time usually does runs out because I try and have a general discussion of ethical issues between each philosopher. I introduce speakers every year including a billionaire and a street peddler, both friends of mine. 我提出的问题,比如堕胎, 大学遗产录取, 安乐死, 毒品和残疾, 环境, and animal rights are general problems in which I hope to encourage the students to debate among themselves. 事实上, 在这些讨论中, the less I talk the better except to encourage the seniors to see both sides of a problem. 在我们的文化处于某种变化状态的时候, 我认为不带偏见地鼓励所有观点是很重要的.
作为一名刑事检察官和辩护人(在英国,两者都要做), one day hired to prosecute and one day to defend) I go into detail about the theories of punishment. 惩罚与威慑. 如果幸运的话,我们会在学生中进行激烈的辩论. 在这种情况下,我只是充当指挥.
不可避免地,我介绍了一些具有挑战性的法律案件. 我最喜欢的是瑞金娜对达德利和斯蒂芬斯, 哪一种情况下,失事的水手吃了舱内男孩. 我还介绍了凯西·马丁的高尔夫案例, 以及残疾人的权利, the Cheryl Hopwood case against the U of Texas Law School where she claimed that she was discriminated because she was white, and the Gozo twins case where one twin would have to be sacrificed for the other twin. 目的是提出问题并展示双方. I hope to get out of the way as the students discuss difficult issues where you have alternatives, 这些都不好. Humor needs to be part of the class, if possible, because the issues can be very serious. Let me give you some of the questions that I ask when the class lags (and I never pretend to know the answers)…

If you try to make a sculpture of a fish and it finishes up looking like a bird, 它是鸟还是鱼的雕塑?
当你购买贫穷国家制造的东西时, 你是否助长了他们对工人的剥削?
If I put ketchup in a blender with ice and grind them together, do I have a smoothie?
为什么要这么麻烦? 为什么关心?
有人问我,一个人是否能影响年轻人的道德. I think that an open discussion of such topics as turning in a friend who did something criminal or staying behind at the scene of an accident, 提出我们对社会和邻居的亏欠问题, 希望, at least give the student thoughts about improving their ethical obligations to all members of their community. If Hitler could negatively impact the ethics of young students by injecting thoughts of hate and violence to the minority of Jews, 那我们当然可以, 正好相反, 鼓励尊重和善待弱者和弱势群体. Nelson Mandela famously said that “no-one is born hating another person because of his skin, background, 或者宗教,如果他们能学会恨,他们就能学会爱, 因为爱情比爱情来得更自然.”
道德教育鼓励讨论应该讨论的问题, 很少是这样, 在高中时. And I am always happy to discuss, or rather let them discuss, sex, drugs, and rock and roll. I think that debating such issues encourage curiosity, deeper thinking, and greater empathy. 至少我希望如此.
So the goal of any Ethics class is to open the minds of young people to issues that are rarely thought of, 帮助他们变得好奇, 并鼓励他们从各个方面看待任何问题. The Ethics teacher has to be prepared for individual students to privately ask questions as to what they should do. With the understanding that there is no right or wrong answer, I think you can give an opinion. 有人问我, 由一位大四学生, 他是否应该告诉他的父亲, 离婚的男人, 他父亲现在的年轻女友邀请他在酒店见面? 我给出了我的观点,但警告说这只是我的观点.
你们有些人可能对我的回答感兴趣, 但是要打开这个, I hope that you might also have some questions already as to the core issue of teaching Ethics, 记住我从不自称知道答案, 我只希望我知道一些问题.
罗纳德·P. 斯图尔特